
Here's why you hurt after a car accident.

car accident image.jpg, Feb 2024

Injuries from a car accident are often hidden, at first. You might not see any damage to your skin more than a bruise or abrasion. However, the forces of the car accident affect the unseen parts of your body (ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints, joint capsules, discs and nerves).

This article will show you where these injuries occur. In another article you can find an outline of a common treatment program we use to rehabilitate a person that has been injured in a car accident.

[The injuries we commonly see and treat in our clinic are noted by *Chiro. The ones we refer out for are *Rx.]

[We describe our treatment and the research supporting our treatment recommendations in another article-Car Accident Injury Treatment Plan and Description*Call with any questions for the doctor - 610-444-8155

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Biomechanics of your spine gets injured!

whiplash image of effects on neck.png, Feb 2024

There were 2.1 million emergency room visits due to car accidents in 2020. Whiplash disease often occurs from minor accidents without signs of tissue injury (broken bones, bruising, lacerations etc.). It affects the central nervous system and causes the muscles to become uncoordinated when you move, this turns into pain after some time. Many people dismiss their mild accident-related pain or are turned away from treatment at the ER or urgent care center. These people don't appear to have serious injuries but many of them end up in chronic pain.

We have been treating patients with injuries from car accidents (like whiplash) for 28 years. Check out our blog on the injuries seen on x-ray and an example of a treatment program we use. Email us at or call 610-444-8155 to speak with a doctor about your current or old injuries.

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Is Chiropractic Treatment for Cervical Disc Herniation and Compressive Neuropathology Safe?

cervical disc herniation.jpeg, Jun 2023

People commonly believe that their pain is too severe or complicated to be treated by a Chiropractor. Sadly, this is usually not true and this perspective stops many from getting quick relief from simple treatments, like chiropractic adjustments. 

In our clinic, if we don't see your condition improving within 2-4 weeks of our recommended treatment we will likely refer you out for imaging and recommend a consultation with your PCP. This article will review cervical, neck, disc conditions and provide some understanding to what we look for in a patient that presents with neck pain related to a intervertebral disc. You will understand that Chiropractic can safely help people with cervical disc problems.

Everyday we see patients with neck pain and some have problems associated with their intervertebral discs (commonly called a pinched nerve or slipped disc). So to dispel some of the propaganda and misinformation regarding whether or not chiropractic treatment can help a person with neck pain or arm pain related to a cervical disc injury, I have a slightly long and well referenced article for your review. I will break this lengthy and technical article into short posts in the near future. 

"Neck pain affects 16.7 to 75.1% of the people in the world"

Neck pain is one of the major musculoskeletal disorders in the adult population; its prevalence in the world ranges from 16.7% to 75.1%. as reported by a research group in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy.  With those numbers, there's a really good chance you will experience neck pain in your life. Do you want to know what to watch out for? How does neck pain start? 

Here's a few of the common causes of neck pain

1. poor posture

2. car accidents

3. sports injuries

4. text neck and computer/desk work

5. repetitive movements

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Low back pain, degenerative disc disease and the effects of Chiropractic Adjustments: is Chiropractic Safe for bad discs?

healthy disc vs degenerative disc.webp, May 2022


Low back pain is common. When the pain firsts presents, it can often self-limit, or improve over time and often with the use of medication. That decrease in pain over time initially can cause a person to believe their pain will go away if they wait long enough. However, this mentality often allows many cases of lower back pain to become progressively more severe with each episode that occurs and leaves people more disabled each occurrence. 

We will cover these topics in this blog post:

1. The anatomy of the lower back and physiology of the intervertebral disc

2. The local and systemic factors and pathophysiology of disc degeneration

3. The effect of poor nutrition on the lumbar disc

4. Safe treatment for the lower back with degenerative disc disease

5. Results from chiropractic treatment for lower back pain related to lumbar disc disease

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