
Digestive Enzymes: Why they’re important and why you need them

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BY: DR. TODD WATTS — 11/29/2021

Nearly 70 million Americans are afflicted with digestive issues, making digestive health a significant concern. Proper digestion is key to optimal nutrient uptake from the food people eat. Healthy digestion is also a necessity for maximizing energy levels and maintaining a properly functioning immune system. Your Health could be at risk if your enzyme system isn't working correctly. Find out how your enzyme system goes bad below. 

[The text that is underlined is a hyperlink to a research article or reference. Posted from CellCore website]

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How to help your body fight the parasite die-off symptoms

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Parasite Die-Off Symptoms and How to Combat Them

The treatment necessary to rid your body of parasites can be challenging in that there are distinct symptoms associated with the die-off affect. These symptoms can easily be attributed to other causes. By following a strict protocol and closely managing what you eat, you can better determine the nature of your symptoms.

Next we cover some of the common symptoms of parasite die-off and what you can do to manage them. You will find references and research links in the hyperlinked text below. 

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Surprising Facts about Chronic Lyme Disease and Treatment

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Lyme disease is a chronic and prevalent disease. Chronic Lyme disease is related to autoimmune disease, cognitive issues, brain fog, chronic fatigue and joint pain It doesn't get the attention of other chronic diseases for one reason. The pharmaceutical industry does not have a marketable and proprietary single type of drug to effectively treat the disease. Below is an article by Jay Davidson regarding Chronic Lyme Disease. 

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Your lymphatic system – a key to drainage and removing parasites.

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Drainage, a strange word, but it is easy to understand basically what it means. Proper lymphatic movement is essential for establishing optimal drainage and supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes, it helps get the bad stuff out of your body. Your body removes waste products through the lymphatic system. There are natural supplements that support enhancing the function of your lymphatic system. In this article you will learn:

1. Common signs of parasite infections.

2. Different ways to support your lymphatic system for proper drainage 

By definition, parasites are organisms that live inside a host and intercept nutrients, leaving the host with some nutritional deficiencies. 

No matter how healthy you eat, these pathogens could be preventing you from receiving all the vitamins and minerals from their food intake.

Dealing with parasites is something individuals can do safely from home, as long as they have the right protocol and supplements. Even “healthy” people (those not experiencing uncomfortable, daily symptoms) can elect to complete a parasite cleanse in search for optimal health. You can have a variety of symptoms related to having a parasitic infection. Here we discuss drainage. Drainage is an important part of killing-off parasites and helping your body remove them. You can have symptoms if you don't use the correct drainage supplements. 

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Are Parasites Causing My Symptoms?

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Let’s face it – most people with chronic health problems have parasites living in their bodies. Parasitic infections are not limited to "Third World" nations as a health issue.  They are far more common than you think. In fact, parasites will often mimic a wide variety of other health issues, which can lead to treatment of symptoms without resolution of the underlying cause. 

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Your health and Heart Rate Variability. How are they related?

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"HRV may offer a noninvasive way to signal imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. Based on data gathered from many people, if the system is in more of a fight-or-flight mode, the variation between subsequent heartbeats tends to be lower. If the system is in more relaxed state, the variation between beats may be higher...People who have a high HRV may have greater cardiovascular fitness and may be more resilient to stress."

- Harvard Health; Dec 1, 2021

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